Why subscribe?

You will find a variety of topics here based on years of observations and experiences and how I manage to weave those into life where I find myself in the final quarter. Here comes the fun part. No one knows how long or short that might be.

I have enjoyed a long life filled with challenges and rewards, joys and sorrows. It has been and continues to be a very full life. The immense freedom to choose how I spend or invest my time is a gift that continues beyond what I expected a decade ago. Believing that we are always in the process of becoming, I continue to explore where I am, as well as where I think I’m going. If you want to come along on that journey here, welcome aboard.

Subscriptions are free and always will be. If anyone wants to make a pledge of any amount, $5.00 and over, that will be contributed to the AMS Scholarship for Underserved Communities. Awards go to students who have been traditionally underrepresented in the sciences, especially Hispanic, Native American, and Black/African American students. The American Meteorological Society (AMS) is committed to advancing core values of diversity, inclusion, and equity across all aspects of the atmospheric, oceanic, and hydrologic sciences.

Each new post goes directly to your inbox and you can choose to view, read, comment, share or delete as the spirit moves you. Or you can save and read later. I try to offer up something about once a week, not on a rigid schedule.

Offer comments and feedback.

I value your responses and learn from them so, please, feel free to respond, even if briefly. Or, if you want a conversation of more than a sentence or two, I am open to that as well. Thanks in advance for your consideration


Musings from my mind and spirit...my posts are about finding meaning and purpose in the ordinary and moving toward the extraordinary, both sides now.


Long life learner, traveler, ex-pat in Mexico, paying attention, learning, growing & changing. Share observations, experiences, musings. Any payment is voluntary & goes to non-profit AMS scholarship fund supporting underserved students.