Welcome back Gary, I appreciate your personal update and am so very saddened to learn of your illness. Let the healing begin, and we fans/friends/followers out here in Substack Land will be happy with whatever writing schedule allows for your recovery. May you be patient and tender with your heart. 🌱 Nan
Thanks, Nan. The response of so many Substack friends and connections is indicative of authentic, genuine and thoughtful people, characteristics that puts Substack ahead of so much other social media, at least in my world. If I can keep “in touch” with about 100+ good folks and friends in some meaningful, enjoyable conversations, I am most fortunate. It may be a case of we get what we give, thus giving much, over many years, I am blessed with the returns in my investments in people. I imagine a a great party to clebrate this and in fact, am considering exactly that later on. It’s an idea percolating that brings a number of pieces and people together for a few days of sharing our stories, in person, F2F!
Yes, wouldn’t that be a great example of moving the ordinary into the realm of extraordinary? Now that we will be in a more accessible location, I am giving this some serious thought. I have done a number of seminars, workshops and retreats in the past, so the logistics are in my files. Stay tuned for further info. I am looking at Nov as earliest possibility but probably not until 2026. Reservations take time as does securing a good location that is convenient and reasonable. And yes to first things first and continuing on the road to recovery.
I’m grateful for the update my friend. When I saw your name in my feed, I immediately thought: “There you are! Good to see you here again.” Then I read your post. And I thought to myself, “Well, there you are. It is so good to see you here again.” I am humbled by your vulnerable reminder of the ephemeral and precious nature of life. Dr. Gawande’s book is excellent as is Paul Kalanithi’s “When Breath Becomes Air.” I know you will stay open-hearted; and as a life-long learner, I know as well each day will continue to bring you new things you’ll be learning. That you might share any of that with us would be a gift to us all. To extend your metaphor, every single thing becomes a speedbump—we can either slow down to learn from them and pass over them with grace, or do a heckuva lot of damage to the vehicles we travel in if we speed down life recklessly and mindlessly. We need guides in our lives to show us how to travel these roads—you’ve become one.
Many and large THANKS for your being here, my friend. You can be assured I will keep on and as long as there is a little light and life I am glad and grateful to share what gives us all a little more joy.
You guys out there are simply the best of the best. You are part of a different !%, worth far more than unlimited dollars. It’s a different kind of wealth that enriches our lives beyond measure. Love and joy come to you for a happy, healthy and hopeful new year. Already more than halfway through January! Why is it the older we get the faster it goes? There’s actually some good research on that!
Thank you for sharing your current situation Gary. Like everyone who has been touched by you, I wish you well and hope that this stage of the journey can see you recover well and be in a place to continue your full and beautiful life. As I have read your posts here on Substack I feel like I got glimpses through your window into a life and several careers that has been so rich and full of service to others. I am touched by that. There are some people who, when we feel a sense of connection, we are lifted to feel more connected to the sacred and beautiful nature of life. You are such a person for me. I thank you for it. (I smiled when I read that you have seven children. My wife and I have six and like you I am sure, people often look bemused when they discover that....that slightly sideways look, like..."oh oh amazing" with the sense behind the look of .."are you a little bit crazy"? They were our gift and our teachers, for me the place so many of my spiritual lessons came from). Go well Gary. I pray for you and your family, with gratitude and love. Thank you.
Thanks, Ian. I have been blessed with a rich and rewarding life, longer than expected, and filled with grace, gratitude and an attitude of giving. I am a fortunate long life learner still gathering insights and understanding about what makes it all worthwhile and so we continue along the road, in spite of the bumps.
Dear Gary, I've always cared deeply for you, since we first met. Felt I was in some kind of partnership with you. I'm remembering now sitting next to you at a little table in the Cafe at Los Labradores, I worry about something or other (how those worries do come and do go!) and you directing my attention to the beauty of a tree to my left and the light shining through its leaves. Today, I'm experiencing you as a worthy teacher pointing me to how I might navigate my own elderhood. Right now, I am sitting up in my bed in Santa Monica, the raging Pacific Palisades fire just a couple of miles to the north, the winds changing all the time, a bag packed should I have to leave and not knowing where to go or whether roads will be open to get there. I'm also aware of air quality leading me not to want to breathe freely. This at a time when there is some question about what might be going on in my right lung, a nodule having been discovered there. It's been quite a full life ... full of requisite drama and goodness and love and friendship and questionings and presence and peace. I am grateful for the practices that have allowed me to step back into Awareness which, in moments, allow me to simply be right here, right now. Please take a moment to experience my appreciation for you and for Susie and for all your kindnesses.
The sun is shining brighter today and it’s a beautiful signal of hope for days ahead. Faith, hope and love will carry us through the darker times. So, we send those along to you this morning that you move closer to the Light. Celebrate the little things and stay in touch.
Thanks, Sara. One of my culprits turned out to be pneumonia, and being treated for that. Have also become weak in the past month and now on that road to recovery too Your response along with numerous others have been greatly affirming in the power of giving of self. Stay tuned for the next chapter
Gary, I've thought of you on occasion the past few weeks with a bit of concern that "something had happened." I suppose something is always happening, but some bumps are a bit more noticeable than others. I take heart knowing that you have many beloveds coming alongside to support you, and that you are the sort of person who finds beauty even in difficult circumstances. May your next travels bring you to stronger, healthier places. Take care!
It’s great to have you back, Gary, but I’m so sorry to hear what you’ve been going through. I’m glad your family has rallied around you and I hope that each day brings better health. I value your friendship and I’ll be thinking of you.
Thanks. First the “hurt” then the “hope” and now to “heal”. Quite the ride the past few years and grateful to each of you out there for support and encouragement. Some amazing responses here and elsewhere
Thank you, Gary, for keeping us posted with what’s going on with you. I’ve always felt inspired by you and your life, first of all because of Mexico for I have a paradise spot there in Playa del Carmen (Quintanaro) that I call home though I don’t live there full time yet and second because of your freedom of spirit. I love the way you see life at your age, the fact that nothing is impossible still, that you obey to no limitations apart the ones imposed by your body. So thank you for being here on Substack and becoming one of my role models. I send you healing energies and pray for you to get well very soon. Lots of love.
Gary, sending you hugs and wishing you the very best of care. Sounds like your support team is top notch! Congrats on one year of Substack, and thanks for your wonderful stories. I look forward to more when you're up to it!
Debbie. Attitude a large contributor in either direction. Love from family and friends helps enormously. There’s something rather affirming in the laws of giving and how much the gifts come back to us when needed. Dividends of investing in the right people.
Gary - great to hear from you. I knew you were travelling and I wondered if you were in a place without an internet connection. You've had quite the adventure - and it seems like you've got excellent care, lots of support and the new pup. Happy New Year. I'm disappointed to hear you want to write only monthly. You are an aging Kerouac of sorts, 'on the road' in many ways ... please keep your readers along for the ride as witnesses, fans, and nervous-agers ...
Gary, thanks for sharing. Your thoughtfulness, insights, and poise in the midst of what is clearly a difficult transition are inspirational and helpful. Although our paths crossed briefly, I have followed your career, travels, writing, and journey through different stages of life. We seem to be on similar paths, and your lessons have informed my learning. We share a life in schools, a passion for New Mexico, and an affinity for Mexico. I grew up in Mexico City, my wife is Mexican, and in many ways, Mexico feels like home; it certainly does culturally. I will continue to follow your posts, so please keep writing. You will be in my prayers.
I'm sorry to hear this is happening Gary. I'm sending you prayers and good wishes as you mend your heart.
Thanks, Donna🙏
Goodness - not the post I had thought I would read. Thinking all the happiest of thoughts for you and best wishes for recovery.
Many thanks Mimi. Not the post I would have expected to write but at least the journey continues and on we go, grateful and glad.
Welcome back Gary, I appreciate your personal update and am so very saddened to learn of your illness. Let the healing begin, and we fans/friends/followers out here in Substack Land will be happy with whatever writing schedule allows for your recovery. May you be patient and tender with your heart. 🌱 Nan
Thanks, Nan. The response of so many Substack friends and connections is indicative of authentic, genuine and thoughtful people, characteristics that puts Substack ahead of so much other social media, at least in my world. If I can keep “in touch” with about 100+ good folks and friends in some meaningful, enjoyable conversations, I am most fortunate. It may be a case of we get what we give, thus giving much, over many years, I am blessed with the returns in my investments in people. I imagine a a great party to clebrate this and in fact, am considering exactly that later on. It’s an idea percolating that brings a number of pieces and people together for a few days of sharing our stories, in person, F2F!
Wow, that would be extraordinary! First, take good care of you.
Yes, wouldn’t that be a great example of moving the ordinary into the realm of extraordinary? Now that we will be in a more accessible location, I am giving this some serious thought. I have done a number of seminars, workshops and retreats in the past, so the logistics are in my files. Stay tuned for further info. I am looking at Nov as earliest possibility but probably not until 2026. Reservations take time as does securing a good location that is convenient and reasonable. And yes to first things first and continuing on the road to recovery.
I’m grateful for the update my friend. When I saw your name in my feed, I immediately thought: “There you are! Good to see you here again.” Then I read your post. And I thought to myself, “Well, there you are. It is so good to see you here again.” I am humbled by your vulnerable reminder of the ephemeral and precious nature of life. Dr. Gawande’s book is excellent as is Paul Kalanithi’s “When Breath Becomes Air.” I know you will stay open-hearted; and as a life-long learner, I know as well each day will continue to bring you new things you’ll be learning. That you might share any of that with us would be a gift to us all. To extend your metaphor, every single thing becomes a speedbump—we can either slow down to learn from them and pass over them with grace, or do a heckuva lot of damage to the vehicles we travel in if we speed down life recklessly and mindlessly. We need guides in our lives to show us how to travel these roads—you’ve become one.
Many and large THANKS for your being here, my friend. You can be assured I will keep on and as long as there is a little light and life I am glad and grateful to share what gives us all a little more joy.
Kert, what a lovely and tender welcome back to Gary. I too had the response to seeing Gary’s name pop up in my feed, and also had missed his essays. 🌱
You guys out there are simply the best of the best. You are part of a different !%, worth far more than unlimited dollars. It’s a different kind of wealth that enriches our lives beyond measure. Love and joy come to you for a happy, healthy and hopeful new year. Already more than halfway through January! Why is it the older we get the faster it goes? There’s actually some good research on that!
Thank you for sharing your current situation Gary. Like everyone who has been touched by you, I wish you well and hope that this stage of the journey can see you recover well and be in a place to continue your full and beautiful life. As I have read your posts here on Substack I feel like I got glimpses through your window into a life and several careers that has been so rich and full of service to others. I am touched by that. There are some people who, when we feel a sense of connection, we are lifted to feel more connected to the sacred and beautiful nature of life. You are such a person for me. I thank you for it. (I smiled when I read that you have seven children. My wife and I have six and like you I am sure, people often look bemused when they discover that....that slightly sideways look, like..."oh oh amazing" with the sense behind the look of .."are you a little bit crazy"? They were our gift and our teachers, for me the place so many of my spiritual lessons came from). Go well Gary. I pray for you and your family, with gratitude and love. Thank you.
Thanks, Ian. I have been blessed with a rich and rewarding life, longer than expected, and filled with grace, gratitude and an attitude of giving. I am a fortunate long life learner still gathering insights and understanding about what makes it all worthwhile and so we continue along the road, in spite of the bumps.
Bless you mate.
Dear Gary, I've always cared deeply for you, since we first met. Felt I was in some kind of partnership with you. I'm remembering now sitting next to you at a little table in the Cafe at Los Labradores, I worry about something or other (how those worries do come and do go!) and you directing my attention to the beauty of a tree to my left and the light shining through its leaves. Today, I'm experiencing you as a worthy teacher pointing me to how I might navigate my own elderhood. Right now, I am sitting up in my bed in Santa Monica, the raging Pacific Palisades fire just a couple of miles to the north, the winds changing all the time, a bag packed should I have to leave and not knowing where to go or whether roads will be open to get there. I'm also aware of air quality leading me not to want to breathe freely. This at a time when there is some question about what might be going on in my right lung, a nodule having been discovered there. It's been quite a full life ... full of requisite drama and goodness and love and friendship and questionings and presence and peace. I am grateful for the practices that have allowed me to step back into Awareness which, in moments, allow me to simply be right here, right now. Please take a moment to experience my appreciation for you and for Susie and for all your kindnesses.
The sun is shining brighter today and it’s a beautiful signal of hope for days ahead. Faith, hope and love will carry us through the darker times. So, we send those along to you this morning that you move closer to the Light. Celebrate the little things and stay in touch.
Thanks, Sara. One of my culprits turned out to be pneumonia, and being treated for that. Have also become weak in the past month and now on that road to recovery too Your response along with numerous others have been greatly affirming in the power of giving of self. Stay tuned for the next chapter
Gary! Oh my goodness. I’m so sorry to learn of your illness. We just never know what bumps we’ll hit in the road and when, eh?
And I’m glad to hear from you. I appreciate your sharing from your heart and from where you’re at.
Sending warm wishes for wellness your way.
Gary, I've thought of you on occasion the past few weeks with a bit of concern that "something had happened." I suppose something is always happening, but some bumps are a bit more noticeable than others. I take heart knowing that you have many beloveds coming alongside to support you, and that you are the sort of person who finds beauty even in difficult circumstances. May your next travels bring you to stronger, healthier places. Take care!
It’s great to have you back, Gary, but I’m so sorry to hear what you’ve been going through. I’m glad your family has rallied around you and I hope that each day brings better health. I value your friendship and I’ll be thinking of you.
Wow, I'm so sorry to hear this but it sounds like you are in good hands, both medically and family-wise.
Wishing you continued healing & congratulations on your first year on Substack, my friend 🥰
Thanks. First the “hurt” then the “hope” and now to “heal”. Quite the ride the past few years and grateful to each of you out there for support and encouragement. Some amazing responses here and elsewhere
Thank you, Gary, for keeping us posted with what’s going on with you. I’ve always felt inspired by you and your life, first of all because of Mexico for I have a paradise spot there in Playa del Carmen (Quintanaro) that I call home though I don’t live there full time yet and second because of your freedom of spirit. I love the way you see life at your age, the fact that nothing is impossible still, that you obey to no limitations apart the ones imposed by your body. So thank you for being here on Substack and becoming one of my role models. I send you healing energies and pray for you to get well very soon. Lots of love.
Muchas gracias, mi amiga! Yes so much about the contribution of Spirit to a full and rewarding life in spite of the bumps along the way
Gary, sending you hugs and wishing you the very best of care. Sounds like your support team is top notch! Congrats on one year of Substack, and thanks for your wonderful stories. I look forward to more when you're up to it!
What challenging times! You are fortunate to have a big family and a great attitude. Take care of yourself first, and keep us posted as you are able.
Debbie. Attitude a large contributor in either direction. Love from family and friends helps enormously. There’s something rather affirming in the laws of giving and how much the gifts come back to us when needed. Dividends of investing in the right people.
Gary - great to hear from you. I knew you were travelling and I wondered if you were in a place without an internet connection. You've had quite the adventure - and it seems like you've got excellent care, lots of support and the new pup. Happy New Year. I'm disappointed to hear you want to write only monthly. You are an aging Kerouac of sorts, 'on the road' in many ways ... please keep your readers along for the ride as witnesses, fans, and nervous-agers ...
Thanks for your good words of encouragement, received with gratitude for your presence here.
Gary, thanks for sharing. Your thoughtfulness, insights, and poise in the midst of what is clearly a difficult transition are inspirational and helpful. Although our paths crossed briefly, I have followed your career, travels, writing, and journey through different stages of life. We seem to be on similar paths, and your lessons have informed my learning. We share a life in schools, a passion for New Mexico, and an affinity for Mexico. I grew up in Mexico City, my wife is Mexican, and in many ways, Mexico feels like home; it certainly does culturally. I will continue to follow your posts, so please keep writing. You will be in my prayers.
🙏 mi amigo!
Gary and S. . . . I will hope for the best right alongside you. Thank you for sharing
Thanks, Brian. The support from family and friends has been enormous, beyond anything i would have expected or imagined. Grateful. 🙏🏼