I can say with certainty you weren’t writing just for yourself when you wrote about that sculptor. I remember that post and his amazing pieces. Also, I enjoyed each offering of the 12 artists you highlighted. Perhaps a new series will start soon? I think we learn so much about another when we get to gain insight into who THEY admire or find inspiration from.

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Thanks, Kert. The life stories of Ben Ortega, and the other 11 artists, are filled with how they evolved into their crafts - so many varieties of heartfelt expressions. Thanks for the suggestion about a series sequel. I will give that some serious thought and consideration. Who inspires us, how and why, make for some interesting stories waiting to be told.

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Gary, your writing feels like art to me. I look forward to this series. Thank you.

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Thank you, Ian. I hope you enjoy each and all of these, with perhaps more to come in the near future. This started out to be a ten-week series and then morphed into twelve to align with our "Artist's Way" weekly group sessions. All in all, it was a worthwhile investment of time, effort and energy. I am grateful to Kirsten and to my friends in the group.

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nice to see two Canadian nods - to 'our Joni' and to Habitat 67 ... thanks to a 'guest Canadian' Moshe Safdie how designed it ..

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Gary, thank you for a truly worthy list of creatives. I had to grin when I got to #11 and #12 -- two of my very favorite poets/lyricists. Joni Mitchell and John Donohue I love his little book, "To Bless the Space Between Us." And Joni was the soundtrack of my youth.

And the reference to Julia Cameron -- a lot of us have worked through "The Artists Way" and are all the better for it. I believe that you and I share a similar idea, that graceful aging contains the component of creative living. A time to finally read that John Donohue book aloud in the early morning hours, a time to make art -- mostly a time to make beauty.

I so appreciate and enjoy your posts. Write on, my friend. Write on. ~Stephanie

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Thanks, Stephanie. Yes, I see us on the same page, literally and figuratively. Please know how much your response, your words of support and encouragement mean to me, an aspiring writer at this stage of daring to put the words in print and push publish. I know my “inner critic” is working overtime so whatever gives me another push forward is greatly appreciated.

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