I hope you're feeling better! Journey well on your way back on track, again and again 💚

Thank you for sharing the frustrations, and your process back with us. I think it's an underrated insight to give in a world of sharing perfect articles and fronts ! 🕯️📖✨

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Thank you. Yes, better on all fronts and moving forward again, on track. All the best to you!

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Oh, I have these down times too. It's hard not to castigate oneself. I just have to accept I am not in go-mode 24/7. I have different speeds.

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Thanks for speaking so elegantly about the experience we all face at some point in our lives and more than once if we're blessed with longevity.

I'm happy to hear your tracks are realigning, Gary.

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You're right, I did not see this when you shared it the first time, and it sheds light on the heavy lift you're now facing with your winter illness. It sounds like you had only just landed back on your feet when the new health calamity hit. I like the way you've broken out the small steps toward progress. This round may take longer, but the process doesn't change. Wishing you all the best!

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As usual, you have a unique perspective on what must be the toughest of situations. My most vivid memory is you on your tractor in your straw hat. Be well, and as Dan would say, walk in beauty my friend.

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Thanks, my friend. Your image brings back some wonderful memories! How about our attempts to divert some H2O for watering the trees and grass?

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Heartfelt thoughts, Gary, and from your Sept 11 post, seems you are reconnoitering. All the best to you, amigo.

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Beautifully said. Your way of articulating this experience allowed me to see it with fresh eyes. I especially appreciated what you did to recalibrate. Welcome back!

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Thanks, Victoria. Now it's time to get on down the track a little farther. I like your phrase of "articulating this experience" and am looking for more ways to do that with other experiences. That gives me a clue and a nudge forward.

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You’re quite talented at articulating your experience, and it’s a joy to read because your unique perspective can open up pathways of thinking that might not have been considered prior to that.

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Thanks, again. I am going to explore that "unique perspective" a little farther and deeper. If you would be willing, tell me a little more what you see or hear in that which might do exactly what you said, "open up pathways of thinking that might not have been considered...."

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Just be you! I appreciate your way of expressing yourself exactly as you do. Nothing to add to that.

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OK, thanks. Me as I am. 😃

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Gary, I've felt a little off track lately as well. This is helpful and appreciated. I'm glad you worked through it and plan to use some of your ideas myself. Thank you!

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Thanks, Cherie Lee. Have at it and I hope some might work for you as well. If you need any more suggestions/recommendations, let me know. I have lots of them. 😃

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I do hope you keep writing. Thanks for sharing. You never know the impact your words are having on another's life.

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Thank you, Linda. Comments, support and encouragement are helpful and you're right, we never know what impact our words have on another, sometimes much later, sometimes not at all. I have had people from my work and life 25 or more years ago remind me of something I said that they remembered and that meant more than I ever realized at the time. So, I keep writing, talking, sharing partly because that's who I am and partly because I consider it a way to keep mind and heart engaged both with myself and with others.

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You made the deep dive into resilience and I so appreciate that you shared your list for how to get back on track. This is relatable stuff. Sometimes we all just need some space to let the creativity within breathe and take form again. Thanks for this valuable post, and write on.

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Thanks, Stephanie. There are those times when we don't take time to step back and breathe and push pause and then, because of circumstances seemingly beyond our control, we're forced into that position for our own well-being. Interesting way to look at it, yes?

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I loved this, Gary. Very inspirational. I’m glad you’re not only over your illness but in a better headspace.

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thanks Chris...my headspace gets a little crowded to sort through and I'm working on that too. Grateful for short-term inconveniences....

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Beautiful reminder, Gary. Thank you for sharing this message. I'm glad you're feeling better!

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Thanks, Kaitlyn. When we don't take some time off that would be a good thing for us, the universe finds a way to make it happen anyway. Interesting how that works sometimes, yes?

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So true!

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Hi Gary!

I surely miss your words.

However, what’s most important is you! What is most important, is that your spiritual nature and physical health are “in a sweet spot.” After that, everything else takes of itself, doesn’t it?

Be well, sir! Whether or notwe see your wisdom, your wonderful perspective, your thought provoking words only matters if that time and place lines up with your soul.

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Thanks, Ron. I'm back on track, at least until the next derailment and if there's a way to see it coming perhaps I can find a way to avoid getting off track. Were I to follow on with the train story about working on the railroad, there are warning signs before things go terribly wrong so perhaps the message is pay attention to conditions ahead. And yes, being in alignment with Spirit/Soul is a good place to be.

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Thank you Gary. Just reading your process was track width aligner for me. Beautiful, simple, reflective and measured. Thank you.

So...“when we change the way we look at things, the things we’re looking at changes” The observed truth in physics that particle behaviour actually change when observed, so it is wise for us to employ this in our lives. Thanks Gary....hope you are feeling better in the physical bod as well.

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Thank you, Ian, All better, at least for now, and grateful to be here going along, Had a good 5 mile walk this morning. So many things to see besides people, architecture, and the details. Quite amazing! A beautiful day weather wise helps too.

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Your messages seem to find me at the right moments…..your word recalibrate is a new one I am adding to my tool box as we are moving on in more than just a house. It’s a new way of life; new friendships, new activities in retirement and new priorities.

Thank you for your insight in how to rethink and move ahead with confidence. Please keep writing….

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Thanks, Diana. Best wishes in your transitions, exciting times to design and realize what you want, where you will be and why. I think we may have finally settled down after years of moving, at least for now. 😄

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OK Gary - pity-party time should be over, we have no time to waste on that shit. I suggest you get the 'roll of paper' on the wall, feed it into you old Underwood and start typing. You are a 'other end of the road' and a very different road than Jack Kerouc's road, but there is NO reason to not feel your feelings and words are relevant to a large audience. So, write. Ship. Submit a pitch to AARP to 'write about your road' ... and get back to writing here on Substack, you are missed!

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Thanks, Mark. I am back on track, on the road again, perhaps a different road or different surface. Interestingly enough there's an enormous highway project outside our gates turning a busy and somewhat dangerous two lane road into a 4-lane boulevard for 30 Km. from San Miguel de Allende to Dolores Hildago. The enormous number of workers, pieces of heavy equipment of all kinds, diversions and delays, what a metaphor! The new surface will be 4-5 inches of reinforced concrete, more durable than the previous asphalt. The engineering process that is ongoing is amazing to make this all happen. It will take more than a year and these hundreds of workers. My hunch is that it will be well beyond budget and time allotted.

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