I appreciate this letter Gary. Not only does it belong to the future generation but to me as a Human, I believe it is everyone's call to do with the time they have left to make better of tomorrow for those who are to come.
thank you, Marcus. You're right, the future belongs to those who claim it and live in such a way to help make things better, safer, healthier, and in the words of the MacArthur Foundation
"committed to a world that is more just, verdant, and peaceful." That would be a good start!
I appreciate this letter Gary. Not only does it belong to the future generation but to me as a Human, I believe it is everyone's call to do with the time they have left to make better of tomorrow for those who are to come.
thank you, Marcus. You're right, the future belongs to those who claim it and live in such a way to help make things better, safer, healthier, and in the words of the MacArthur Foundation
"committed to a world that is more just, verdant, and peaceful." That would be a good start!
Good Night from the Sunny and distant land za.