Gary, Wishing you healing and renewed strength and an easy move back to the states. Things change for each of us in a flash. Sending prayers and healing light and energy your way. 🙏💫

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Thanks, Pam. Here’s what I said to another Substack friend and connection earlier this morning, having spent the past 2 hours responding to so many, genuine well-wishers, gobsmacked by the kind and generous thoughts and feelings shared.

You guys out there are simply the best of the best. You are part of a different !%, worth far more than unlimited dollars. It’s a different kind of wealth that enriches our lives beyond measure. Love and joy come to you for a happy, healthy and hopeful new year. Already more than halfway through January! Why is it the older we get the faster it goes? There’s actually some good research on that!



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Gary, Keep us all posted on how you are feeling and your move. I agree Substack has a pretty wonderful 1% that give so much to the world. I’m glad to be part of this. May it lift us all up!

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Thanks, will do. Next post a brief review with focus on Gratitude….this part of the “journey” started November 17, so it’s been two months of transitions, landing here in Henderson, NV for the foreseeable future. Foreseeable! How far can see or predict ahead? Anyone with any breadth of experiences knows “life can turn on a dime.” Such descriptive words and phrases as attempts to illustrate what it looks like, feels like!

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Wow! Okay.

Onward my friend. Big changes, small changes. All the same, eh? Life is exactly this—miraculous for its impermanence. I’m grateful for your sharing here—just as I tried to do on behalf of my dad, amplify his innate but humble wisdom through his Elderings, YOU have the innate ability and gift to articulate it all from your own heart. And still, you are learning. Just like the forever educator you are. Continued safe travels—but as the magician Penn Gillette tells acquaintances when they part: “Drive fast and take chances!” I know YOU of all people know how to interpret that.

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Thanks, Kert. You understand and get it and thus we're in sync. What came up for me today in the midst of all my work was this from John O'Donahue. I know you've seen it before. Perhaps others can benefit from saying it out loud. Be blessed, my friend,

A Blessing for Presence by John O’Donohue

May you awaken to the mystery of being here

And enter the quiet immensity of your own presence.

May you have joy and peace in the temple of your senses.

May you receive great encouragement when new frontiers beckon.

May you respond to the call of your gift

And find the courage to follow its path.

May the flame of anger free you from falsity.

May warmth of heart keep your presence aflame and anxiety never linger about you.

May your outer dignity mirror an inner dignity of soul.

May you take time to celebrate the quiet miracles that seek no attention.

May you be consoled in the secret symmetry of your soul.

May you experience each day as a sacred gift, Woven around the heart of wonder

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“Woven around the heart of wonder.”

Yes. (Sigh)

This is one of my favorites from his “To Bless the Space Between Us.” If this were the only prayer to be prayed, there would be no wars, there would be no hatred, there would be no need for politics, and there would be no scarcity in the world. So, there is nothing left to do now, but pray this prayer.

What a gift you just gave me—the gift of remembering the truly important.

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I havd found nothing better than being a long life learner.

Curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought him back," meaning the search for information may be daunting, but the satisfaction of knowing is worth it. Also, the more I know, the more I know I dont know.thus there is always more than enough to keep me active and exploring, life’s great adventure into the unknown.

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Prayers for continued healing on this journey.

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Hello Gary, sending my best to you as a stranger to another with common humanity. We must treasure every day. J

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Oh, Gary. A move in addition to regaining your strength is a lot, but no doubt worth the effort for you to be in close proximity to the kind of care you want. Onward, indeed! Sending you determination, resilience, and the power of community.

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Thanks, Elizabeth. I am accepting your gifts of determination, resilience and the power of community. What a difference those make!

Time is a gift too and we’re grateful for that. No need to rush right now.

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Gary. Some how I had missed your first post regarding this new paradigm. I'm sorry to hear of your travails, but happy to hear you are recovering and rehabbing, cared for by family and health professionals.

I pray for continued progress regaining strength and adapting to this new you.


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I was wondering how you have been my friend. I’m glad you have found such a supportive place and while I know this move can feel like a lot, you know it’s in the small steps! You got this! We all are here cheering you on and sending you love and support! ❤️

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You would know all of this better than most.

I am still determined to do that interview with you. I’ll be getting out of here (rehab) this coming Tuesday and once I get settled in at a new location I will take a look at possibiiity renewed.

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No worries or rush. Your health is most important but when you’re ready I look forward to chatting and connecting.

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What an adventure you're in the midst of! Your good spirits and calm resolve are an example for us all. It's good to read about a medical facility offering such supportive care. Will be here reading along with you. Best wishes, Gary.

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Thanks, Trevy. Yes, a new adventure where I can continue to learn, understand and appreciate the nuances of our lives in the midst of changes, planned and unplanned. My tagline for many years was

”Change is inevitable. Plan carefully.”

So when our plans do not materialize as we had hoped, we adjust, adapt and revise the plan going forward, and yes one step at a time. Good help is a gift. And you have this right too, about Spirit. Dr Karl Menninger of Topeka clinic fame used to ask each of his patients being discharged, “How’s your Spirit?” Back story on “spirit” is real meaning of the word, which comes from Greek ψυχή (psyche) which translated correctly is soul.

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I love that ❤️

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Loving kindness headed your way.

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Oh my, Gary! I'm sorry you've been experiencing this. Sending you all my love and well wishes in your recovery.

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Thanks for the update, Gary! I’m so glad to hear you’re not feeling rushed and seeing time as a gift. And I’m grateful you’re getting top-notch care.

May all the steps and move that come be smooth and unhurried and may you move toward wellness.

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In these situations “a smooth move” has several meanings! We move toward what we think about. The power of vision and focus are often underestimated. Glad to include you in my redefined 1%. See my recent Note on people in my circle/tribe/community here. Have a happy, healthy new year. How is it possible we’re already in the second half of January. Doesn’t matter. What matters is that we are here. Cheers to you, my friend.

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That line—we move toward what we think about—is so profound and true. Thank you for the reminder put so succinctly.

Cheers back at you, my friend. Delighted to be part of your circle.

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"...get our house in San Miguel on the market and sold ASAP, sell our car in Mexico, arrange for movers to ship all our stuff here..."

I'm sorry to hear this, Gary, and hope everything goes as smoothly as possible for you.

Warm wishes to you, Kristin

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Ah well, the best laid plans sometimes get diverted by unexpected changes so we do the best we can to adjust, adapt and revise the plan.

I appreciate you, your good thoughts, your great stories and what you bring to this community of common concerns. Glad to include you in my redefined 1%. See my recent Note on the people I connect with here.

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Hi Gary, even when challenged by health issues you remain a voice of optimism, which makes you a rare treasure for all of us in times where people in more fortunate situations than you lose all hope. I wish you will recover well and that the logistics of your move will go smoothly - one step at a time.

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Msny thanks, Alexander. It’s a good test and time to practice what I “preach” about making the most and best of who we are, whatever the conditions, And yes to one step at a time, eating the elephant one spoonful at.a time. Paying attention to details and taking a creative approach to solving problems, turning them into opportunities.

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Hi Gary - I think you summed it up with "No need to rush. Time is a gift." Take your time, recover well, keep planning and putting each step firmly in place, and the future will be here before you know it. I've really appreciated your positivity through this time of upheaval.

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Thanks, Leanne. It's easy to get discouraged in times of big challenges, especially personal ones affecting health and well-being, . I fave found over many years that the positive attitude of 'I can do this" shifts the focus from what is disabing to what can enable. Sometimes we have to look from a different perspectiv.e. My long time favorite from Max Planck is "When we change the way we look at things, the things we're looking at change."

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Interesting that last quote - it fits exactly with my blog post this week about choosing to focus on the flowers rather than the weeds :)

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Much appreciated, Craig. You are in my redefined 1%. See my recent Note.

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I am voting for this: "practical, hopeful, and excited." Life is whar we make of it, even the undesirable parts. If someone gives you garbage, make fertilizer.

Thanks for your good wishes, heartfelt and grateful. You take care too!

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