I wrestled with yes or no while writing this piece, whether or not to publish, as I thought I had decided a few years ago (after turning 80) to opt out of political conversations and give the baton to the younger generations I had paid my dues and decided to put my interests and energy into other pursuits. I believed there were plenty of others capable and committed to positive change in our nation’s welfare, at both the local and national levels. Some of the questions that came up while writing were 1) Will the post make any difference? 2) Will anyone be willing to join forces with those others committed to preserving and protecting a democratic form of government as opposed to an authoritarian one? 3) Are there possible strategies and tactics that will delay and deny the onslaught of unwelcome changes? 4. I wondered about the closing down of USAID and thought of Atul Gawande, Associate Director of Global Health at the U.N. and what will happen to that program and all those whom it served? As I sat on this for another day and then saw more news today, I said, ok for what it’s worth, here are my two cents worth. Maybe I will opt out the news too. There are more questions than answers right now and it seems it could be a good time for a big pushback response.
Seventy years ago when I was playing football, I heard one of the coaches say “The best defense is a good offense.” I wasn’t exactly sure what he meant at the time, except that it played out that way on the field and we had an undefeated season and a league championship. We had a good defense, resisting the opposing teams when they had the ball on offense. We had an even better offense overcoming their attempts to block our winning. I hope this makes sense because I want to suggest using it as a strategy to resist and attack, and defeat the Trumpian dystopia. Imagine what could happen if hundreds of thousands of ordinary citizens were to join forces with sensible political leaders who care, to resist and attack the current administration.
It was apparently General George Washington who gets credit for “The best defense is a good offense” and we are the beneficiaries of his leadership to defeat the opposition. In 1781, with help from the French, Washington victoriously attacked the British at Yorktown. In short, the strategy of Washington was resist and attack, resist and attack. If the U.S. is to be a government of the people, by the people and for the people, it cannot be a government of the few, the privileged and the powermongers.
This is a time to stand up, speak up and say, No, we will not cave in to the reckless disregard and dismantling of a government that, although not perfect, was making progress on many fronts and helping others in that process. This is the time for good people to come together around a common purpose and a common goal. If there is any doubt what that is, stop the madman run amok. The damage that seems to continue on a daily basis shows a total lack of compassion and caring for the needs of others. No compassion, no caring for anyone other than himself and his big money backers. They are all part of the same cabal.
For those of us who worked long and hard for social justice, equality and peace, the current scene in D.C is a sickening turn in the wrong direction. For those of you who don’t know some of my history or haven’t seen this earlier post, for information on why me, why now, here it is:
Those who want to join forces to block the sweeping changes doing serious damage to our friends at home and allies abroad can cooperate, collaborate, and find multiple ways to resist and attack DJT and his cronies. It’s the mob rule playbook he learned from Roy Cohn, same song, another version edited and updated.
I am calling on my oft-quoted friend, Elie Wiesel, whom I met in 1980. Here are some of his words from his Nobel Peace Prize speech in 1986:
“We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere. When human lives are endangered, when human dignity is in jeopardy, national borders and sensitivities become irrelevant. Wherever men or women are persecuted because of their race, religion, or political views, that place must – at that moment – become the center of the universe.”
Now you know I decided to push publish for what it’s worth. I hope you can make something of it worthwhile, worth your time and energy to get involved somehow, whatever works for you. It’s a choice. Become part of a movement to “Resist and Attack”. Be relentless in your pursuit of what is right, what is good, what feeds love, hope and good will.
I’m glad you hit “post” Gary. No one has the luxury of staying on the sidelines in a game that is contesting our Constitution. I image President Washington, and the other Founders, yelling at us from their graves (as they continue turning over): “Why are you all allowing him to do this? This isn’t the idea we left for you all to nurture, care for, and grow.”
Glad you hit publish, Gary. I've been writing, editing, deleting a post for a week because I honestly wonder what difference it will make. Yet, it is imperative that the half of the country who did not vote for this President (and the final tally of the popular vote had him winning LESS than 50%), take a stand. However, the chaos that is unfolding has been in the making for 8 years He has been methodical about his power grab, starting with the Supreme Court in his first term. I was scared then but now he has the backing of Congress too and he is attempting to fire the rest of the executive branch. The system of checks and balances is gone and the constitution is under attack. What is the recourse? Marches and public outcry do not defeat influence and power. I tossed and turned all night last night thinking of the prospect that US troops to Gaza were discussed and my 19 yo could be one of them. I have never been so disgusted or outraged with what it is unfolding, and to be clear, I consider myself a long-time independent who has voted for Democrats and Republicans alike.