I’m glad you hit “post” Gary. No one has the luxury of staying on the sidelines in a game that is contesting our Constitution. I image President Washington, and the other Founders, yelling at us from their graves (as they continue turning over): “Why are you all allowing him to do this? This isn’t the idea we left for you all to nurture, care for, and grow.”
Glad you hit publish, Gary. I've been writing, editing, deleting a post for a week because I honestly wonder what difference it will make. Yet, it is imperative that the half of the country who did not vote for this President (and the final tally of the popular vote had him winning LESS than 50%), take a stand. However, the chaos that is unfolding has been in the making for 8 years He has been methodical about his power grab, starting with the Supreme Court in his first term. I was scared then but now he has the backing of Congress too and he is attempting to fire the rest of the executive branch. The system of checks and balances is gone and the constitution is under attack. What is the recourse? Marches and public outcry do not defeat influence and power. I tossed and turned all night last night thinking of the prospect that US troops to Gaza were discussed and my 19 yo could be one of them. I have never been so disgusted or outraged with what it is unfolding, and to be clear, I consider myself a long-time independent who has voted for Democrats and Republicans alike.
Too few remember the strategies from the 1930’s takeover in Germany.. Our 237 yr old democracy, one the of the oldest in the world, is at risk of being dismantled and replaced. There are some specific opportunities to join forces to '“resist and attack” and not be condemned to make the mistakes of the past.
Thanks, Tracy. You are spot on and too few are familiar with the strategies of the 1930's take over and control in Germany. The similarities are frightening. If enough people rise up, "resist and attack" and say NO, this will not stand, there's a chance to prevent a complete loss of this 236 year old democracy, one of the longest in history.
I tried doing that and being as tech challenged as I am was unable to make it happen. Even asked the substack bot who had a step by step way but couldn’t pull that off either.
Thank you Gary. Elie Wiesel was right of course and so are you. In whatever way we can we must stand up and say no to injustice and yes to compassion, kindness and sanity.
Caution. The US elected a President to exercize power to fix MANY things namely that it is overpromising, overextended, and $42Toin debt. The fix will not be pretty or comfortable.
Perry ... I agree with the generality of your statement - but thinking people cannot sit on the sidelines and watch with a 'well, let's see how this plays out' attitude; the courts are slow process and with the gerrymandering (not sure if that's the word I want here) ... of the courts that has been 50 years in the making (of which Trump was happy to get on board in his first term) ... this has too much grimy shit at the heart of it trust Trump or any of his close circle of unqualified and under-IQ'd characters for anyone to rest easy. I don't.
What's fascinating is that other than the media, Trump's getting g more US voters support not less for what he is doing. So Canadian crtics on the sidelines need to wake-up because the silver-lining here is that Canada is soon to address it's long overlooked issues of defence and deficits fir what, failing heakthcare - waiting and waiting, inter-provincial trade horrendous, supply-chain management. And I suspect there are issues yet to be resolved like carbon tax. So he who lives in glass house shouldn't throw stones
What are you talking about, Perry? Cuz that ain’t what this convicted felon president is actually doing. Oh wait…if that is indeed your actual picture, I get it.
So you are OK with a $42zT deficit, $2T annual deficit abd overextended military? Wake-up, the free riders over. And Dodge will be introducing AI shortly.
The issue of using power for what purposes is a bit murky. Many agree we could be more efficient, effective and economical but perhaps better if not slash and burn. What's missing is the compassion for others and too much of the me me's. Larger concerns are the compromise of democracy, the erosion of justice and and the billionairebros tax cuts for their buddies. Corporate profits are at all time high and so are the costs. Some call it gouging. I call it selfish, self-centered greed at the expense of the majority. It's also a good exercise to differentiate opinions from facts.
O have every respect for compassion. BUTbit hasn't helped address the overdue resolutions in Canada. Shock is about thebonly option left. And if people have no resilience, well who is to blame fit that?
So you bunch of nitwits think Biden wasn't an easily bribed, 6 decade criminal idiot, and cackling Kamala would have been "a force for good", then? Really? Jesus.
You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs, and you can't fix the country without firing the fucking retards that ruined it, either.
I suppose you pillocks think George Floyd was a good bloke and the BLM rioters were just frustrated and perfectly entitled to smash up every city in America. You'd probably love to go back to when biological men can rape women in prison, beat them up in the boxing ring and thrash them in swimming competitions before getting their cock out in the female dressing rooms.
What if it was your daughter killed by an immigrant or beaten at sports by a man?
You lot are so fucking stupid. But luckily no-one has to listen to you whinge.
You've already lost.
Just move to Mexico, or maybe even Rwanda, if the US is so unbearable.
You won't be missed because you were the problem in the first place.
That happens when only one side makes sense. You don't have to reply. I can just imagine some lefty nonsense, that makes no sense and that 80% of the world disagrees with instead.
I’m glad you hit “post” Gary. No one has the luxury of staying on the sidelines in a game that is contesting our Constitution. I image President Washington, and the other Founders, yelling at us from their graves (as they continue turning over): “Why are you all allowing him to do this? This isn’t the idea we left for you all to nurture, care for, and grow.”
Glad you hit publish, Gary. I've been writing, editing, deleting a post for a week because I honestly wonder what difference it will make. Yet, it is imperative that the half of the country who did not vote for this President (and the final tally of the popular vote had him winning LESS than 50%), take a stand. However, the chaos that is unfolding has been in the making for 8 years He has been methodical about his power grab, starting with the Supreme Court in his first term. I was scared then but now he has the backing of Congress too and he is attempting to fire the rest of the executive branch. The system of checks and balances is gone and the constitution is under attack. What is the recourse? Marches and public outcry do not defeat influence and power. I tossed and turned all night last night thinking of the prospect that US troops to Gaza were discussed and my 19 yo could be one of them. I have never been so disgusted or outraged with what it is unfolding, and to be clear, I consider myself a long-time independent who has voted for Democrats and Republicans alike.
Too few remember the strategies from the 1930’s takeover in Germany.. Our 237 yr old democracy, one the of the oldest in the world, is at risk of being dismantled and replaced. There are some specific opportunities to join forces to '“resist and attack” and not be condemned to make the mistakes of the past.
Thanks, Tracy. You are spot on and too few are familiar with the strategies of the 1930's take over and control in Germany. The similarities are frightening. If enough people rise up, "resist and attack" and say NO, this will not stand, there's a chance to prevent a complete loss of this 236 year old democracy, one of the longest in history.
Oh, and Gary, you might wanna make the MLK and me URL a link so people can click on it easily. ♥️
I tried doing that and being as tech challenged as I am was unable to make it happen. Even asked the substack bot who had a step by step way but couldn’t pull that off either.
Oh, I'm sorry I sent you down a rabbit hole!!!
In case you want to try again, I'm gonna DM you.
Thank you for weighing in, Gary. Your wisdom is well received. May we mount a great offense, as we sure as hell need it right now.
You are absolutely right, Gary! Thanks for this inspiring call to action. Sharing.
Here are some specific opportunities for those who want to join forces to “RESIST AND ATTACK.” https://substack.com/home/post/p-151482091
Thank you Gary. Elie Wiesel was right of course and so are you. In whatever way we can we must stand up and say no to injustice and yes to compassion, kindness and sanity.
Caution. The US elected a President to exercize power to fix MANY things namely that it is overpromising, overextended, and $42Toin debt. The fix will not be pretty or comfortable.
Perry ... I agree with the generality of your statement - but thinking people cannot sit on the sidelines and watch with a 'well, let's see how this plays out' attitude; the courts are slow process and with the gerrymandering (not sure if that's the word I want here) ... of the courts that has been 50 years in the making (of which Trump was happy to get on board in his first term) ... this has too much grimy shit at the heart of it trust Trump or any of his close circle of unqualified and under-IQ'd characters for anyone to rest easy. I don't.
What's fascinating is that other than the media, Trump's getting g more US voters support not less for what he is doing. So Canadian crtics on the sidelines need to wake-up because the silver-lining here is that Canada is soon to address it's long overlooked issues of defence and deficits fir what, failing heakthcare - waiting and waiting, inter-provincial trade horrendous, supply-chain management. And I suspect there are issues yet to be resolved like carbon tax. So he who lives in glass house shouldn't throw stones
What are you talking about, Perry? Cuz that ain’t what this convicted felon president is actually doing. Oh wait…if that is indeed your actual picture, I get it.
So you are OK with a $42zT deficit, $2T annual deficit abd overextended military? Wake-up, the free riders over. And Dodge will be introducing AI shortly.
No need to get personal. Critical Thinking nit criticizing makes fir a better argument.
The issue of using power for what purposes is a bit murky. Many agree we could be more efficient, effective and economical but perhaps better if not slash and burn. What's missing is the compassion for others and too much of the me me's. Larger concerns are the compromise of democracy, the erosion of justice and and the billionairebros tax cuts for their buddies. Corporate profits are at all time high and so are the costs. Some call it gouging. I call it selfish, self-centered greed at the expense of the majority. It's also a good exercise to differentiate opinions from facts.
O have every respect for compassion. BUTbit hasn't helped address the overdue resolutions in Canada. Shock is about thebonly option left. And if people have no resilience, well who is to blame fit that?
Thank you, Gary. Please continue to write; we need your voice in this.
"Positive change"...."social justice, equality and peace"......usual drippy, pointless leftist talking points.
So you bunch of nitwits think Biden wasn't an easily bribed, 6 decade criminal idiot, and cackling Kamala would have been "a force for good", then? Really? Jesus.
You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs, and you can't fix the country without firing the fucking retards that ruined it, either.
I suppose you pillocks think George Floyd was a good bloke and the BLM rioters were just frustrated and perfectly entitled to smash up every city in America. You'd probably love to go back to when biological men can rape women in prison, beat them up in the boxing ring and thrash them in swimming competitions before getting their cock out in the female dressing rooms.
What if it was your daughter killed by an immigrant or beaten at sports by a man?
You lot are so fucking stupid. But luckily no-one has to listen to you whinge.
You've already lost.
Just move to Mexico, or maybe even Rwanda, if the US is so unbearable.
You won't be missed because you were the problem in the first place.
Sorry for your unresolved anger and diatribe. This has all the hallmarks of an unproductive conversation going nowhere.
What a kind response, Gary.
That happens when only one side makes sense. You don't have to reply. I can just imagine some lefty nonsense, that makes no sense and that 80% of the world disagrees with instead.