"“as the number of messages increases, the amount of information carried decreases. We have more media to communicate fewer significant ideas.” Neil Postman
I noted your post on LinkedIn before I could view this full post. Interesting writing, I've always took education and teaching as an individual thing. One has to know when it is time to retire to a life of healing and teaching.
Yes. In my state they crow about our high graduation rate. But that never includes the low income rate, which is worse than Mississippi. The problem, like most, is asymmetrical.
That's one of the problems with grouped data, too many individuals fall through the net that catches the most. The income divide is also correlated with college degrees, not that everyone needs to have a college degree to be successful and economically independent. However, we can see patterns of more undesirable behaviors in some of those low rated states. I did not look at drug addictions as a measure but the book, "Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism," spells it out with plenty of hard data. And then we have a contingent who wants alternative facts! Here's some info on overdose deaths and drug addictions by state and guess what? West Virginia has the most deaths ranking 50 out of 50.
I noted your post on LinkedIn before I could view this full post. Interesting writing, I've always took education and teaching as an individual thing. One has to know when it is time to retire to a life of healing and teaching.
Yes. In my state they crow about our high graduation rate. But that never includes the low income rate, which is worse than Mississippi. The problem, like most, is asymmetrical.
That's one of the problems with grouped data, too many individuals fall through the net that catches the most. The income divide is also correlated with college degrees, not that everyone needs to have a college degree to be successful and economically independent. However, we can see patterns of more undesirable behaviors in some of those low rated states. I did not look at drug addictions as a measure but the book, "Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism," spells it out with plenty of hard data. And then we have a contingent who wants alternative facts! Here's some info on overdose deaths and drug addictions by state and guess what? West Virginia has the most deaths ranking 50 out of 50.