You’re doing it, my friend. And eldering us as you do so such that, as we join you there, on our own paths, with that shared journey, we’ll have had a wise guide who advanced mere steps ahead.
You mentioned "fathering" which role I took on in 1962 with the birth of a daughter. How interesting that at this stage and in this situation, the role gets reversed and daughter becomes the care giver. I am sure as can be that while I love being a father and still am very much so, no new offspring in the future. Ooops! We took on a new pup 2 months ago who is now almost 6 months old, so there is that!
well, don't those old tortoises claim that slow and steady is the secret to long life? And I believe they can father offspring when they are over 100, so, Gary ... 'keep it up man' ...
Gary- I am sending you healing thoughts, dear friend. I am happy to know you and learn from wisdom of your stories.
Thanks, Nessa. Much appreciated. You take care, stay healthy and hopeful
Just flowing with fleeting moments of what is. ✨
Nothing better than FLOW!
Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi describes eight characteristics of flow:
Complete concentration on the task;
Clarity of goals and reward in mind and immediate feedback;
Transformation of time (speeding up/slowing down);
The experience is intrinsically rewarding;
Effortlessness and ease;
There is a balance between challenge and skills;
Actions and awareness are merged, losing self-conscious rumination;
There is a feeling of control over the task.
You’re doing it, my friend. And eldering us as you do so such that, as we join you there, on our own paths, with that shared journey, we’ll have had a wise guide who advanced mere steps ahead.
You mentioned "fathering" which role I took on in 1962 with the birth of a daughter. How interesting that at this stage and in this situation, the role gets reversed and daughter becomes the care giver. I am sure as can be that while I love being a father and still am very much so, no new offspring in the future. Ooops! We took on a new pup 2 months ago who is now almost 6 months old, so there is that!
Continuing to pray for you Gary...blessings mate on your cautious part of the track.
Thanks, Ian, much appreciated.
well, don't those old tortoises claim that slow and steady is the secret to long life? And I believe they can father offspring when they are over 100, so, Gary ... 'keep it up man' ...
OMG!!! LOVE this response. Double entendres…let ‘em come! (Oops, there we go again!).