Thank you Gary. Wise advice...a consequence of your wisdom I think.🙂. I hope your health is improving Gary. Bless you mate.

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I remember the “Think Different” ad campaign… a positive consequence was that it changed the messaging of Apple, who was at the brink of bankruptcy at that time, in many people’s eyes… it is interesting how the perception of a word takes on largely negative connotations in a culture…in my native Hindi, it’s translation simply means ‘result’ - no negative conditioning is attached to it.

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The back story of how Apple, Steve Jobs and their ad agency finally landed on “Think Different” has some interesting aspects on how it emerged over time and thinking…. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/legacy-think-different-how-apples-campaign-continues-inspire-mupeti/

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"...be careful not to overthink the issue and lapse into “making a mountain out of a molehill.”

Oh, Gary. You must have had a glimpse inside my head! :)

Making use of our ability to choose has been a theme, of late. The timing is good for these reminders.

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Conscious, intentional choosing is different from autoresponse and worse, "knee-jerk" I suppose that comes from how your leg kicks out when you tap slightly just below the knee, testing reflexes, i.e. doesn't take much to get a response.......

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You are making me miss teaching jr. high students. And their parents.

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"Consequences are unavoidable as there is a result for every choice we make" – very true. Perhaps we just need a different word instead of 'consequences.'

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“Result”might work, may be other, better ones.

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This is a great reminder. Im starting to think this new era also includes re-languaging definitions of words. Most of the dominant definitions are limited and tends us towards kneejerk associations.

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Interesting read you have here Gary.

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